6 Steps to take care after a Heart Attack

6 Steps to take care after a Heart Attack

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A heart attack represents a life-altering event. It is obvious for many to feel scared, confused, and overwhelmed after suffering a heart attack. It is absolutely normal to feel traumatized after experiencing a heart attack. Let’s find out how you can start to feel healthier and more confident in your recovery journey after a heart attack.



Here are the 6 Steps to help you take care of your heart after a heart attack:


  1. Take your medications as prescribed:

Continue taking your medicines as prescribed. Consult your doctor immediately in case you miss your dose. Certain medicines can lower your risk of another heart attack to a great extent.


  1. Make sure to attend your follow-up appointments:

Consult your cardiologist on the follow-up appointments after a heart attack. This helps your doctors keep track of your health condition and recovery.

  1. Manage your risk factors:

After a heart attack, it is important to manage the risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes that help in preventing another heart attack.


  1. Make recommended lifestyle changes:

Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, having a heart healthy diet and adapting to an active lifestyle can play a huge role in keeping your heart healthy.


  1. Do not  ignore your Mental Health:

People often underestimate the amount of mental trauma that a heart attack causes. Do not ignore the changes in mood including, sadness, tiredness or fatigue, loss of interest in activities.  Reach out to your doctor for help in such cases.


  1. Get support:

Know your unique warning signs for heart attack. Share your experience and journey towards recovery with your friends and family. This can help reduce loneliness and anxiety. Let your loved ones know the symptoms you had during your first heart attack, so if you show these symptoms again, they can immediately call for medical help.


If you think you or someone you know is having a heart emergency, dial 18003450011 (Free Ambulance service) immediately.

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